Tuesday 16 October 2007

How To Stay Motivated

Motivation is the most important aspect to achieve success in life. Motivation not only makes you feel good about what you are doing but also keeps you mentally and physically charged up. Motivation helps you to perform at your level best in all areas of life. Learn how to stay motivated in some easy steps listed below.
Positive attitude - Attitude determines your altitude. It's very hard to remain positive throughout the day you never know when you might come across a situation or a person who might affect your mood and you might fall prey to negativity. It's basically all in your mind and your mental attitude. It does not matter what happens to you but what really matters is your reaction to what happens to you. Either you can cry over your problems or be positive and devise a solution.
Listen to motivational speakers - This is the best form of getting your daily dose of motivation. Make it a habit to listen to any motivational audio at least once a day to keep you charged up. The more you listen to it the better you will feel and day by day you would notice that the problems do not seem like problems any more rather they seem like challenges now.
Stay in a positive environment - A man is known by the company he keeps. And same might apply to your moods and attitudes. It's very important to surround yourself with positive people and stay away from the negative ones. Some of you might have negative people in your family. The best thing to do in this situation is to either not involve yourself into heated conversations or just not let such a thing affect you.
Learn to walk - Yes that's right. When you feel negative due to a certain problem or just the circumstances start walking. Sitting at one place and thinking about a certain problem worsens your situation as your mind is focused on one thing and it can not think straight.
Make yourself happy - Try to keep yourself happy at all times of the day. Do things which excite you and make you feel good. If you feel down or depressed simply put on a beautiful piece of music and start dancing. You might think it's weird but it would seem weird at first. It can dramatically change your attitude and the world around you would seem different.
Life is all about changes and how well you adapt to the change. Therefore it's very essential to be a dynamic person and learn how to adapt right. Problems would not seem like problems if you treat them as challenges. You are the writer of your own destiny. So make it a point today to write your destiny for success.
Don't Let Fear Paralyze You

Have you read every well respected self-help successful book ever written? Do you have the absolute best advice on success but you secretly have not achieved it? Have you tried every MLM and internet marketing business but no one knows you have never made a substantial amount money? At least enough to "fire your boss" like you swore you would one day?
What kind of excuses do you tell yourself to explain why you have not achieved the success you know you deserve? Not enough time? No help with kids? Job too demanding? People in your area are not interested in a opportunity? Well, I am here to tell you that there may be one reason you are overlooking, maybe even on purpose. FEAR OF SUCCESS.
Yes, I dared to say it to you and I"ll say it again. FEAR OF SUCCESS. It is time to deal with it, maybe even conduct a personal survey to see if it suits you because some people are not aware. Some people (like myself) have this fear masked or hidden in a safe place so that they don't even have to face it. For that reason alone I urge you to read this article just in case. You never know, right?
First, there are some truth's that need to be exposed;
1. Fear is a normal part of every one's life. 2. Your belief system is the driving force behind how you react to fear. 3. Self sabotaging is fueled by fear
Fear is a normal part of everyone's life
Everyone experiences fear. Think of the bravest person you know, yup, they experience it as well. But there is difference from some who allows fear to control them and someone who decides to control fear intellectually. Moving forward in the face of fear requires faith. Accept that you deserve to achieve your dreams, accept them as you current reality. Replace the word fear with the word "anxious" I am anxious about speaking in front of people for the first time instead of "I am so scared!" The feeling of anxiousness brings about thoughts of excitement and adventure instead of feeling like you have to stand still or change course.
Your belief system is driving force behind how you react and what you belief about fear.
If your dreams are a destination, say Jamaica, then your pilot to get there is your belief system. You in the air, on track to this beautiful, exotic island that embodies everything you've ever wanted. All of sudden there is a bit of turbulence, it scares you, and all of sudden you can't see directly where you are going. You tell pilot to land, your pilot does as he is told. So here you are 10 minutes away from your destination and you are standing still. You find every excuse imaginable to keep him taking off. You don't feel confident. You might even ask the pilot to take off but to turn somewhere else. somewhere that is so far away from your intentions but visible, comfortable so to speak. He listens. You wake every day sad, depressed, irritated because you look out your window it is not what you want. It hurts. But not enough to change so you remain there as long as your believe system about stays where it is. Fear has paralyzed you. Your belief systems are commander and chief to you behavior, your behavior governs your results.
Self-sabotaging is a clue that you are fearing success
Self-sabotaging sounds really ugly but if you at a point in your life where you are ready to change, it can be the most effective self-manging tool you have. It can be that little voice that says "Hey, your doing it again!! Stop It!" If you are on the verge of success, things are looking great, here are some behavior you need to recognize within yourself that are sign of self sabotaging:
-Busyness w/o Productivity & Focus
All these behaviors are servants to some self limiting negative beliefs. If you are saying that you want all these wonderful things out of life but honestly do not believe that you can achieve them, your behavior will GREATLY contrast your wants:
Want: I want to be in a loving relationship Behavior: You decide at the last minute to work overtime instead
Want: I want less stress in my life so I can do more fun things Behavior: You take on more commitments and refuse to say "no"
Want: I want to build a successful MLM organization in the next 30 days Behavior: You spend HOURS filing papers, coming up with new spreadsheets to organize and keep track of the actions you are not actually doing to meet that goal.
When you are expressing these behaviors, stop and move forward!! It will feel awkward because the urge to delay will be dominate. Pay attention when you are searching for reasons like "I want do something for myself today but so and so ask me to do this project, didn't they help me one time when I really needed it? I sure don't want to feel bad if I disappoint them..." Learn your mental thought process every time you are straying away from your goals.
When I began to conquer my fear, I affirmed it every day. One day when I was having a hard time, procrastinating as usual, I affirmed well over 100 times. I closed my eyes, repeated very slowly while visualizing me moving forward to my goal with my head up and determination in my eyes, fixated on Jamaica. When I was finished I got up to attend a workshop entitled "Conquering Your Destiny" that I was personally invited to by my mentor. I had been trying hard to think of a reason not to go. During the workshop, my mentor gave away books randomly and I raised my hand. She looked right at me and said "Come get this April!" The title? "Conquering your Fear" by Lisa Jimenez. She is the true source of this article. Changed my Life. If you are someone you know are on the road to success but fear is holding you hostage, I would recommend this book. Good Luck and I wish everyone as much success as the sky can hold!

Kunjungi www.investasi-saham.com untuk investasi saham dan bermain saham. Panduan Lengkap dalam Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal, Bursa Efek Indonesia, Saham, Obligasi, ORI, SUKUK, Reksadana, Derivatif, Investasi Syariah dan Produk Investasi Keuangan lainnya serta Belajar Menjadi Investor/ Trader (Main) Saham.

Ways To Motivate Employee

What is it that drives an employee? More specifically, what is it that causes an employee to WANT to do his or her job? After all, the answer to this question is the key to the motivation of employees and employer happiness. And, even more important than knowing what it is that motivates an employee is whether or not this “motivation” is something that will cause an employee to go through the motions of doing the job or instill actual desire for a job well done in the employee’s mind.
The answers to these questions and more are what should always be on every employer’s mind if they are to create effective, productive workforces. A lack of motivation is a true killer, as anyone certainly knows.
Popularized by the movie Jerry Maguire, staring Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger, “Show me the money” has become a commonly used term in society. And, often, this is the basis for what most people think is at the top of the list for employee motivation. But, is it?
Naturally, higher pay is never frowned upon. There is not a person in the world that couldn’t use more money. Between bills, children, higher education, and personal desires, among many other reasons, money is a factor that can never be ignored. It is a need that we must all have filled.
Many companies use money as incentive for motivation. Is this wrong? Not necessarily. Big pay raises and bonuses are always something that a person can use and these are things that will certainly never be turned down. Cash is a motivator that will always be popular. And, if possible, money is always a good choice to use for employee motivation because who doesn’t like money?
But, money should not be the ONLY tool used from the toolbox of motivation. There are many other choices for motivational increase. In fact, many employees who claim money is the only thing that will drive their motivation higher do so because there is a lack of any other form of compensation. This frame of mind adheres to the comment so often heard, “Well, they better pay me more money or give me a bonus because I’m sure not getting anything else out of working here.” In other words, there sure isn’t anything else the employee is receiving that even remotely resembles compensation to increase motivation.
Employee contribution is something that can increase employee motivation. If an employee is regularly able to contribute thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to problems at hand or regular work activities, that is a feeling of accomplishment which goes a long way. It makes an employee feel as though he or she is important and, hence, their motivation is elevated.
Recognition is another form of motivation. If all an employee hears is the things he or she does wrong, the opposite affect of motivation will occur. Of course, an employee is going to do things wrong, at times. But, they will inevitably do things right, as well. Let them know when this happens, always.
If an employee feels he or she has the respect of his or her peers and colleagues, this is another motivation booster. Stifle negative comments in the workplace. Do not allow employees to talk down to one another and/or “drag each other through the mud”. Likewise, make sure you don’t do the same when other employees are able to see it happen to a fellow co-worker. That’s bad for moral and only downplays motivation.
Keeping an employee “in the loop” is something else that is important to motivation. When an employee feels he or she is not up-to-date with what is occurring in the company or their department, that is a message to the employee that says, “You are not important.” That’s not the kind of message that increases motivation. Keep information flowing to each employee; let them know what the company is doing and the direction it is taking.
Stay flexible. Make an absolute effort to ensure your employee is not tied up in red tape. If an employee is not able to solve problems with a degree of flexibility because there are too many company rules hampering common sense progress, an employee feels nothing but frustration. Motivation is not built on frustration.
Constant check-in with higher-ups when working on a project undermines an employee’s confidence and willingness to think for themselves. It also deteriorates motivation.
Make sure plenty of sufficient resources are available for an employee’s use. Motivation cannot thrive if an employee is constantly faced with having inadequate resources to do the job.
Create a fun and stimulating work place. Let everyone address each other on a first name basis or have a “casual dress day”. Encourage employees to create a work environment that is as comfortable as possible and not so office-like by bringing in personal pictures and things such as plants, for example. This will only promote creativity and, in the long run, increase motivation.
Communicate with your employee. Find out what interests them and what doesn’t. Speaking with an employee frequently shows that you care about them in more ways than simply wanting them to keep up with productivity. This will increase an employee’s motivation as well.
Keep these points in mind and motivation will have a chance to soar:
Employee contribution important
Recognition from an employer a must
Retaining respect of peers and colleagues
Keeping employee informed
Stay flexible and make sure the employee can avoid as much red tape as possible
Constant check-in with higher-ups only leads to micro managing and lack of motivation
Make sure an employee has sufficient resources available to them
Create a fun and stimulating work environment
Make sure you communicate
Keeping these methods of compensation in mind is what it takes to understand what it is that drives your employee to want to do a better job. They must WANT to do a better job or the work they do will never be as excellent as it could be. If you are ever in doubt as to what it is that drives your employee, simply ask, either in a group meeting or one-on-one. In fact, asking an employee what it is that motivates him or her is a good idea right from the start. Then, you can always be sure of what to provide.
All in all, make sure that money isn’t the only thing you can offer an employee to increase his or her motivation. If it is, then as soon as the money is better somewhere else, your employee’s motivation will definitely increase…working for the other company.

Kunjungi www.investasi-saham.com untuk investasi saham dan bermain saham. Panduan Lengkap dalam Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal, Bursa Efek Indonesia, Saham, Obligasi, ORI, SUKUK, Reksadana, Derivatif, Investasi Syariah dan Produk Investasi Keuangan lainnya serta Belajar Menjadi Investor/ Trader (Main) Saham.

Make Changes In Your Life

How many people can relate to that feeling where they have wanted to change something about them self or the way they live their life. More often than not when a person believes that they need to take another direction in life or worry over their teeth not being straight or their roman nose is roaming too far or that they are to fat is usually caused because of the way they are feeling at that particular time.
If you have your health then you have happiness and if you have happiness you haven`t got a care in the world so therefore wanting to change whatever it was you wanted to change before being given a clean bill of health is of no major threat in wanting changes in your life anymore. How you can make changes in your life without changing who you are will include endorsing a positive attitude towards life in general and to think differently about what it is you want to change
3 Examples below:
1) If it is a facial feature you are not happy with like the lips having no strong kissable curve or if your nose is too big then why not consider doing something about it instead of making any rash decisions which may entail undergoing cosmetic surgery of which can only add to your problem if the operation is not successful. You will be surprised just how exciting and rewarding it can be, to turn ugly into beautiful, naturally. With so many types of cosmetics specially formulated for this reason and the right advice, the duckling turns swan.
2) People tend to feel at their lowest over financial issues, worry can result in a person wanting to seek change and move away, what is frightening about this is, is that their decision is made by their pocket (a situation) and not by them. For some, debt is somewhat unavoidable i.e. job loss or where illness prevailed, money problems have many people looking to change how they live or worse still end their living altogether. Mounting debt will continue to rise just like your blood pressure if you continue struggling to make payments you can "ill afford" thus making you sick which you can "ill afford" to have happen, where no payments are made at all. How to overcome this is by speaking to someone in the consumer credit agency who can advise you on how you can change payments making them more affordable.
3) If you live next door to the neighbour from hell, then you can consider moving, however this may not be an alternative for some folk who may love and have lived all their lives in the neighbourhood or face problems in finding a suitable new home, if this be the case, then do your best to accept your neighbours and their antics. It is at this time that those positives you have in thought will encourage you to ignore and pity these people "for they know not what they do" Strength in mind body and soul will leave you the most superior where you find coping more easily.
Wanting change in life disturbingly more often than not leaves many people with so much negativity in thought which is so powerful that they see no way forward, if you can eliminate the negative thoughts and change your way of thinking with more positives then you can challenge any causes for you wanting changes in your life. Remember "mind over matter."If you doN`t mind then it don`t matter"

Kunjungi www.investasi-saham.com untuk investasi saham dan bermain saham. Panduan Lengkap dalam Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal, Bursa Efek Indonesia, Saham, Obligasi, ORI, SUKUK, Reksadana, Derivatif, Investasi Syariah dan Produk Investasi Keuangan lainnya serta Belajar Menjadi Investor/ Trader (Main) Saham.

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